"We treat our trade partners as if they were brothers."
- Minarchist (Centricide 4.5)
Minarchist is a political ideology who lives in Ancapistan. Minarchist believes in the most limited and minimal state possible. It's also known as the night-watchman state.
The Minarchist appeared briefly in Centricide 4, however, this appearance was not Minarchist himself, instead AnCap turned into Minarchist for a few seconds, however, this appearance does not have Minarchist's signature look, and is just AnCap but white; this is not Minarchist, and his first actual appearance is in Ancapistan. The Minarchist has appeared twice as himself, in Ancapistan and Accelerationism. However, this has not stopped people from believing that he is a kind and wholesome character who wants to take care of those he likes, considering that his first ever line was "we look after each other", followed by "we treat our trade partners as if they are brothers!"
He seems to not get along with the AuthLefts, especially Communist (as seen in Centricide 8, when he asks why he would trust him) though this might be because of the way Communist interacted with AnCap in Centricide 4. Going off the belief that Minarchist and AnCap are good friends, it is likely that the Anarcho-Capitalist told the night watchman about the way he was insulted, and Minarchist didn't want to be nice to someone who hurt his friend. (Same reasoning goes for the way Hoppean treated Communist in the same video.)
Considering he is part of the LibRights, he most likely would get along well with the Anarchist Polycule and the International Union of Nationalists, and although the two never canonically interacted, Minarchist and Homonationalist do have strikingly similar mannerisms when they speak, so they may potentially get along quite well.
There is speculation that he rescued Anarcho-Capitalist and Libertarian in Centricide 4 from Anti-Radical via rescue helicopter.
Economic Axis[]
The Minarchist wants free-market capitalist society with no limits.
Statist Axis[]
The Minarchist believes in having the smallest possible state that exists in a free-market capitalist society. However, he believes there should be a small state that prevents crime and NAP violations, making him also known as the Night-Watchman State. Night watchmen, in the middle ages, were guards who made sure nobody committed crimes on the streets of cities at night. It is unknown whether or not Minarchist himself is interested in the middle ages, but there is speculation that he likes reading about it, as otherwise he wouldn't give himself that name.
As said previously, he does not get along with Communist. However, it is unclear whether this is because he simply doesn't want to get along with them due to opposing beliefs, or because he has heard from Anarcho-Capitalist how they treated him. It is unknown how he would treat him if this situation didn't happen, considering he is a LibRight, but is also a genuinely kind person who doesn't seem to discriminate against anyone in particular.
Cultural Axis[]
Minarchist can be either culturally left or right. He seems uncomfortable with racism and mockery of homeless people, and also appears to consider emotional damage as just as valid of a violation of the NAP, putting him further to the left than Hoppean. Also, considering the fact that he is canonically from Bosnia (though this is a play on the fact that the Minarchism flag and the Bosnian flag are similar), he is definitely not racist, as he is an immigrant himself, since Ancapistan is clearly an English-speaking country, something the Balkan country is not.
Minecraft Axis[]
The Minarchist is known to play Minecraft on occasion, putting him on the center on the Minecraft Axis.
Physical Description[]
Half yellow and half blue, the colours separated by a diagonal line. Wears a white collared shirt and a business suit. Art depictions of him often show his hair to be either half yellow/half blue, or dark brown with blue and yellow streaks. Some other art shows him with wings, though this is less common.
"Plays Minecraft on occasion" - Accelerationism Centricide 8.0 (Part 1/3) (Video)
- "No government tyranny here, we're finally free!" - This shows he doesn't like tyranny but there still is government.
- "Guys... What is that?"
- "Yes. Business, Business, Business!"
- "And what makes you think we're gonna trust a commie?!"
- "In Ancapistan, we look after each other! We treat our trade partners as if they were brothers!"