- "Antifa Are The Real Fascists" (Video)
- (((((((((CATS))))))))) (Video)
- (Not) A Song About Incels (Video)
- 10k subscriber special & my unironic political views (Video)
- A C C E L E R A T E — The Accelerationist Song (Video)
- A Communist Gets Into The Stock Market (Video)
- A Hugh Conspiracy (Video)
- A Neo-Nazi With They/Them Pronouns (Video)
- A chat with an old friend (Video)
- Abstract Art Centricide 7.5 (Video)
- Abusive Parasocial Relationship (Video)
- Accelerationism
- Accelerationism Centricide 8.0 (Part 1/3) (Video)
- Addressing Allegations That I Have Ties To The Far Right (Video)
- Addressing Incriminating Past Tweets... (Video)
- Agree With Me (Video)
- All the Same to Me
- Alpha Male
- Alt Right
- Anarcha-Feminist
- Anarchist Commune
- Anarchist Infighting Centricide 6.5 (Video)
- Anarchist Left gets a new hoodie CentriSides (Video)
- Anarchist Polycule
- Anarchist Uprising (Video)
- Anarcho-Bidenism
- Anarcho-Capitalist
- Anarcho-Capitalist (disambiguation)
- Anarcho-Communist
- Anarcho-Egoist
- Anarcho-Fascist
- Anarcho-Monarchist
- Anarcho-Nazbol
- Anarcho-Pacifist
- Anarcho-Primitivist
- Anarchy irl (Video)
- Ancapistan
- Ancapistan's Slur Emporium $2 one-use targeted slur / $5 any slur / $10 seasonal pass (Video)
- Ancapistan (Full Song) (Video)
- Ancapistan Centricide 4.5 (Video)
- Andrew Cuomo
- Anorexia
- Anprim Anthem (Video)
- Anprim Anthem (video)
- Anprim Tribe
- Anprim irl (Video)
- Anti-Centrism: Extreme Niche Political Ideologies (Absolutist Post-Left Hoppean Neoaccelerationism) (Video)
- Anti-Centrism: Know Your Enemy (Radical Centrists, Alt-Centrists and more) (Video)
- Anti-Centrism: Know Your Extremists (From Anprim to Nazbol) (Video)
- Anti-Centrism: Political Theories And Why They're All Wrong (Horseshoe & Fishhook Theory) (Video)
- Anti-Centrism: Where I Stand Politically (Video)
- Anti-Radical
- Anti-centrism
- Antopia
- Anxiety
- Ape-Political
- Ape-Political Saves The Day (Video)
- Art As Self-Immolation Centricide 7.🔥 (Video)
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Autism
- Ayn Rand
- BAN PORN (Video)
- B I O A C C E L E R A T E Pandemic Posadism (Video)
- Baby It's Cold Outside (because of nuclear winter) (Video)
- Bernie Bot
- Bernie Sanders
- Biology (Video)
- Bipolar Disorder
- Black Pill (Pill Theory)
- Blue Pill (Pill Theory)
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Bundleofsticksism
- Burn The Fence Down (Full) —The Anti-Centrism Song (Video)
- Buzz LightBee
- Canada
- Cancel Culture (Video)
- Carla
- Centricide
- Centricide: Origins
- Centricide 5.5 bread bank (Video)
- Centricide House
- Centricity
- Centrists
- Centwocide
- Chasm of Eating Disorders
- Che Guevara
- Chef the Griller
- Chonky cat (Video)
- Climate Change Denial Denialism (Video)
- Coming out as an anarcho-nazbol (Video)
- Communalist
- Communist
- Communist Father
- Communo-Capitalism: Capitalism but we regularly eat the rich ComCap / CapCom (Video)
- Communo-Capitalist
- Conservative
- Conservatives, Socialists, Progressives and Libertarians Centricide 3 (Video)
- Conservatopia
- Contrarian
- Council of Wacky Ideologies
- Cripplingly Poor
- DRUGS. — Anti-rap (Video)
- Darwinist
- Dead Centrist
- Deep Personal Lies (Video)
- Dementia
- Depression
- Depression Clown
- Disembodied Announcer Voice
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Do You Wanna Make An a Capella Group With Me? (Video)
- Does irresponsible political satire have consequences? (Video)
- Donald Trump
- Dr. Eg
- Dramatic Reading of Excavia (Video)
- Dramatic Reading of Inbreak Prologue (Video)
- Draw My Life: Jreg (60k sub special) (Video)
- Dutiful Girls — Parody of Sean Kingston's "Beautiful Girls" (Video)
- END OF THE FIRST JRERA Epicentrilogue (Video)
- Eco-Fascist
- End Discrimination (Video)
- Ethnostate Ethnostate International Nationalism Global Anti-Globalism (Video)
- Every Extreme Centricide 8 (Part 3/3) (Video)
- Everybody I Dislike Is A Sociopath (Video)
- Excavia
- Explaining Every Political Ideology (any%) (Video)
- Extremist Book Reviews (Video)
- Extremists
- Fascist Mother
- Finally: A Meeting App For Sigma Males Only (Video)
- Flava Crava (Video)
- Fountain of SSRI
- Frat House
- Galeem
- Get Out There And Vote (for my preferred candidate) (Video)
- Give Me All Guns (Video)
- Give Me All Money (Video)
- Gr@itude + a superfluous layer of detachment (Video)
- Greg Guevara
- Greg Guevara (Character)
- Greg Guevara Centricide 7.0 (Video)
- Grej
- Has A Quarter Million Subscribers Made Me Happy? (Video)
- Has The Overton Window Shifted Left Or Right (Video)
- Hell Isn't Perfect But It's The Best System We Have (Video)
- Here's How Bernie Can Still Win (Video)
- Hey, uh, want a DVD case? (Video)
- Hogs Of War
- Homonationalist
- Homonationalist's Phone
- Hoppean
- Horseshoe Centrist
- Horseshoe Theory
- Horseshoe Theory Centricide 5 (Video)
- How This Ends (Video)
- How To Do A Praxis (Video)
- How To Run Your Discord Server Like A Political Extremist (Video)
- I'm A Rapper (I Rap) (Video)
- I'm Not A Sadboi (i'm just a boy who is sad) (Video)
- I'm Not Cool Anymore (Video)
- I'm Quitting YouTube (Video)
- I'm Returning To YouTube (Video)
- I (Don't) Want To Be Famous (Video)
- I Did An Interview With The Centrists At Know Your Meme (Video)
- I Hear An Orchestra Play (Video)
- I Just Want To Be Loved (by someone out of my league) (Video)
- I Want To Die In A War (Video)
- I Watch My YouTube Videos At 2x Speed ♪ (Video)
- I Will KILL Politics—Sorry, Buddy! You're Dead! Centricide BANG! BANG! BANG! (Video)
- I am a black nationalist (Video)
- I want(ed) to die (Video)
- Ichiban
- Identity Centricide 6 (Video)
- If the world was ending I would go to Mars (Video)
- Illuminati
- Illuminati postpones world domination due to pandemic (Video)
- Impossible Ideology Monster
- Inbreak
- Ingsoc
- Instead of Debates Just Fight To The Death (Video)
- Insurrectionary Anarchist
- International Union of Nationalists
- International Union of Nationalists Meeting Room
- Irony
- Irony Poisoning (Video)
- J.J. McCullough
- JReg
- Joe Biden
- Jordan Peterson's O.C.E.A.N. Model Explained: A Presentation (Video)
- Jordan Ruiz Escobar Garcia
- Jreg's Silver Play Button Unboxing! (Video)
- Jreg (Character)
- Jreg (disambiguation)
- Jreg 2's Extremists
- Jreg 2 (Channel)
- Jreg 2 (Character)
- Jreg Says Trans Rights (Video)
- Jreg Wiki
- Julius Evola
- Junior Egg JrEra 2 (Video)
- Just-me-thnostate I I A State But It's Just Me, Alone (Video)
- Just culture warrin' (Video)
- Kamala Harris
- Kim Il-sung
- Labels — Spoken Word (Video)
- Laugh Track The Mental Illnesses 3 (Video)
- Leftist Infighting (Video)
- Leftist Unity (Video)
- LeftistsForTrump (Video)
- Lefttube (Video)
- Let's END Homelessness PERMANENTLY (Video)
- Let's Just Kill Each Other (Video)
- Liberal
- Liberal Media
- Libertaria
- Libertarian
- Librights
- Life Is Strife ♪ -JrEg (Video)
- Lil' nas(bol) (Video)
- Mad House
- Magic Crystal Dealer
- Make Out — A Capella (Video)
- Making it as an artist in current year (Video)
- Manufactured Sunlight (Video)
- Maoist
- Meet The Extremists Centricide 2 (Video)
- Mental Illnesses
- Minarchist
- Moderate
- Modern-Day Political Satire (Video)
- Momentism
- Monarchist
- More Than More Than Friends (Video)
- Musical Numbers
- Mutualist
- My Descent Into The Alt-Center Rabbit Hole (Video)
- My Experience As A Sex Worker (Video)
- My response to the allegations (Video)
- National Socialist
- Nazbol
- Negotiation Table
- Neo-Nazi
- Neoliberalism
- Neoliberalism Centricide 4 (Video)
- Neurotypical
- Nothing Is Going To Fix You (Video)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Office Life (Video)
- Okayish—Ed Sheeran "Perfect" Parody (Video)
- Overton Window
- Pan-Africanism
- Papaoutai
- People Are Just Combinations Of Traits (Video)
- Pica
- Pill Theory
- Pink Capitalism Month (Video)
- Pink Capitalist
- Political Commentator
- Political Compass Rap (Video)
- Political Compass Rap 2 (Video)
- Political Conversion
- Political Ideology Tier List (Video)
- Political Nihilist
- Populism Is Good, Actually
- Posadist
- Post-Irony, Meta-Irony, and Post-Truth Satire (Video)
- Post-Left
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Post-Truth: Facts, Logic & Feelings (Video)
- Posthumanism Centricide 8 (Part 2/3) (Video)
- Postpostmodernism (Video)
- Primitive Transhumanism Techprim (Video)
- Print Money (Video)
- Progressive
- Progressiveland
- Projects
- Propogondo Centricide Whatever (Video)
- Queer Anarchist
- READ BY THE AUTHOR: "The Twist" Crappypasta/Creepypasta Parody (Video)
- READ BY THE AUTHOR: Chef The Griller Creepypasta (Video)
- Radical Centrist
- Radical Feminist
- Radical Feminist's Dungeon
- Radical Free Speech Absolutism Silence All Those Who Agree (Video)
- Realicide
- Real—A Spoken Word Poem on Depersonalization (Video)
- Red Pill (Pill Theory)
- Referee
- Removing Problematic Centricide Characters (Video)
- Riots (Video)
- Robbery The Mental Illnesses 2 (Video)
- Samanta
- Scandinavia
- Schizophrenia
- Schizophrenia Explains Schizophrenia The Mental Illnesses 3.5 (Video)
- Screen Time (Video)
- Selene Corvax
- She doesn't love you (she doesn't even like you) (Video)
- Shepherd of Overton
- Shut The Fuck Up (Video)
- Sigma Male
- Sigma Male vs Alpha Male (Video)
- Socialist
- Sociopathy
- Sociopathy Edit War
- Solving The Middle-East with the Zero State Solution (Video)
- Sorry (Video)
- Standard ideologies
- State-Primitivist
- Steven LightBee
- Stockholm Syndrome With Being Alive The Mental Illnesses 4 (Video)
- Stop Asking If I'm Okay (Video)
- Stop Sexualizing Me (Video)
- Take Me To Work (Hozier "Take Me To Church" Parody) (Video)
- Techprim
- Template Guide
- The 100-dimensional political model (Video)
- The Aggression Principle (Video)
- The Climate Strike Needs To Be More Inclusive (to ecofascists) (Video)
- The Compass Wars
- The Conquest Of Bread Centricide 2.5 (Video)
- The Council of Wacky Ideologies Centricide 3.5 (Video)
- The Cup Song: A Song About Cups (Anna Kendrik's "Cups" Parody) (Video)
- The East
- The East vs The West (Video)
- The Election of 2024
- The Fountain of SSRI The Mental Illnesses 5 (Video)
- The League of Anti-Anti Centrists Centricide 1 (Video)
- The League of Anti-Anti Realists Realicide 1 (Video)
- The Mad House The Mental Illnesses 1 (Video)
- The Mental Illnesses
- The Mental Illnesses (Video)
- The Twist: A Parody
- The Uberist
- The West
- The World Sure Needs Another Podcast (Video)
- The Worst Possible Political System: Hell - Negative Politics
- This Song Is Not About Anything (Video)
- Timeline
- Touch Grass (Video)
- Transhumanist