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This group consists of the four ideologies who run and represent Ancapistan: Ancap, Libertarian, Minarchist, and Hoppean. Voluntaryist is informally considered a part of this group.


After Ancap realizes everyone on the extremist team hates him, he decides to buy a large amount of land and name it Ancapistan. Other Libertarian Right ideas join him in Ancapistan. These ideologies are much kinder to him than his former extremist teammates, on multiple occasions defending him from the wrath of Communist and National Socialist, whether it be by bragging about how there is no government tyranny in Ancapistan and therefore picking at Nazi, or threatening to remove degenerates (presumably aimed at the leftist Communist) into the ocean.

Some fans speculate that the Librights have their own polycule, similar to the Anarchist Polycule, as they seem to be very close and tightknit whenever they are shown on screen, as well as having little to no disagreements, save for AnCap correcting Hoppean on a few phrases in his verse in the song about Ancapistan.



Anarcho-capitalist, the founder of Ancapistan, is an anarchist and Laissez-Faire capitalist, remaining neutral on cultural issues. He founded the city after Communist and Nazi both called him a monster and a horrible person, hurting him deeply, and Anti-Radical injured him by slashing his cheek with a knife that was meant to deradicalize him while he was rescuing Libertarian from the Centrists.

Nevertheless, despite these horrible events, he was able to fund his own passion project and get his own form of revenge at the Authoritarian ideologies who made him feel miserable, and find friends (or lovers?) who supported him and subtly made fun of the Authoritarians in their own verses of the song.


Libertarian was first introduced in Centricide 3 when AnCap refused to kill him but instead advised him to run away. He is known in both the Libright quadrant, his home country of Libertaria, and in the Overton window for being hilariously short and that he's within "stabbing distance" for homeless people who commit violent crimes out of poverty. He believes in a slightly regulated Capitalist society with a small government, and is culturally neutral.

He wears two hats, one is his top hat and the other is AnCap's old fedora. Hilariously, only after the two hats were added to his height that he matched AnCap in height. He also wears AnCap's old suit.

He is canonically married to AnCap, though he gets along with the other Librights just as well as them, and knowing the fact that there is no government to prevent polyamorous relationships in Ancapistan as there is no government at all, it's very well possible that he is dating Minarchist and Hoppean, too.


Minarchist, despite believing the state is at least minimally necessary, has decided to take up residence in Ancapistan. He is from Bosnia, and it is unknown how exactly he found out about Ancapistan, though it is presumed that he actually immigrated to the Libright quadrant shortly before Ancapistan was founded, and somewhat knew AnCap during the events of Centricide 3 as his name was mentioned to Libertarian ("at least become a Minarchist!"), and was one of the first people to help AnCap set up the city. He is very kind and considerate to everyone in the city, even the poor and homeless, as seen when he was uncomfortable with AnCap yelling at them.

As said on his own wiki page, it is speculated that he and Hoppean rescued AnCap and Libertarian from the Overton Window with a rescue helicopter.

Ironically, despite the group being technically rightists, nobody seems to treat him any differently despite him being from a different culture than them. In fact, they seem to like and respect him a lot, which just goes to prove the hypothesis that this is not just a friend group but a polycule.


A culturally right voluntarist, Hoppean is named after German philosopher Hans Herman Hoppe, and upholds the belief that a capitalist society should not have a government, but rather high-alert and trained citizens on guard, removing anyone they deem harmful or malicious (or, in his words, "degenerate") into the ocean. Ironically, Hoppean himself looks very tired, as if he hadn't slept in weeks. He has the lowest voice in the group, and is frequently hunched over. He seemed very exhausted throughout the entirety of the song.

Hoppean often uses dark humor that even the other Librights do not necessarily like, ie "we don't have poors, and by poors I mean blacks", as it caused AnCap to recoil and even apologize the Authoritarians, saying "he doesn't mean that!"

It is also speculated that Hoppean has wings, due to his flag background. It is unknown whether or not he is related to Pinochetism, an ideology named after Pinochet and advertises to remove people into the ocean, though it is clear that he got inspiration from it.