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"But for now, I gotta sell some weapons to a foreign state."

- Libertarian (Centricide 3)

The Libertarian is an economically right wing libertarian political ideology manifested in human form sitting on the edge of the Overton Window and one of the four main ideologies featured in Centricide 3 along with ProgressiveSocialist, and Conservative.

He is a devout capitalist who believes in preserving a small state in the name of economic prosperity. He tends to prefer his profits over his personal believes and likes to play it safe. He lived in Libertaria, but currently lives in Ancapistan.



During LeftistsForTrump the Libertarian complains about how he has to vote for a statist.


Centricide 3[]

The Libertarian is having a meeting with the Anarcho-Capitalist after the latter has been tasked to convert him into an extremist. They chat peacefully with AnCap trying to talk him into joining the Extremists every few sentences. After staying true to his values during the negotiations with Anarcho-Capitalist in Centricide 3 the latter was told to shoot him. Out of unwillingness to violate the NAP Anarcho-Capitalist let him get away, resulting in Libertarian falling into the hands of the centrists.

Centricide 4[]

In Centricide 4, the Libertarian has already fallen into the grasp of Radical Centrist and his remaining allies. In a one-on-one chat Radical Centrist reveals his goal to infest the entire world with Neo Liberalism in order to control the masses and destroy the extremists. According to his plan the Libertarian should be the first to ascend to Neo Liberalism and will be worshipped like a god by all. Libertarian is still overly cautious and not overly fond of the large scale plan of the RadCent and is supposed to be comforted by Anti-Radical and Moderate Lee. The former inserts the Neo-Liberal-poison into Libertarians vascular system without him noticing, slowly turning him more and more Neo-Liberal as long as Anti-Radical is alive.

At this point AnCap - after leaving the extremists due to being bashed constantly by the Statists - enters the HQ of the Centrists with his helicopter, trying to save the Libertarian. Anti-Radical cuts AnCap with his knife, inserting the poison the knife is covered with into AnCap as well. Libertarian and AnCap start deteriorating into weaker ideologies, falling more and more back into the center. Remembering that the cut counts as a violation of the NAP, AnCap shoots Anti-Radical, reverting the effects of the poison.

After defeating the poison, Libertarian and AnCap decide to escape and do what they do best, "adopting a philosophy that's based off how much money our rich parents gave us once they die."

Centricide 4.5[]

In this short episode of the Centricide season one, the Libertarian, AnCap, the Minarchist, the Hoppean found Ancapistan: an anarchist country with a big gate to keep out people that don't play by the rules. After Nazi and Communist attempt to pass through the area, Libertarian and AnCap stop them and want them to pay a toll for passing through their private property. Nazi decides to pay the toll, but Commie attempts to "wring both of their necks", before being threatened with recreational nukes by the Capitalists. This leads to a song eponymous with the title of the episode, "Ancapistan", in which the Capitalists praise the existence of Ancapistan while promoting the benefits and goals of their respective ideologies. (Minarchist praising the minimalist state, Hoppean praising Violation of the NAP against degenerates, Libertarian comparing himself to AnCap)

Ending the short episode the Capitalists say goodbye to the remaining Extremists while the Libertarian is already making plans to suck more money out of the Statists, possibly a wink to his habit of selling stuff to foreign governments. Right afterwards AnCap and Libertarian get approached by the Posadist, who asks for the price of one of the nukes, possibly another hint at the story progression.


Economic Axis[]

On the Economic Axis the Libertarian is far-right. Believing in total free-markets.

Statist Axis[]

The Libertarian is a Libertarian on the Statist Axis. Believing in a very small limited government.

Cultural Axis[]

The Libertarian is gay asf for Ancap so probably more left. That's totally based

Physical Description[]

Resembling the look of the stereotypical rich guy with top hat and monopoly-moustache, the Libertarian is -according to himself- a short man in comparison. Of course, like all other ideologies, he resembles Jreg in some way or another for some reason...


With occasional shifts in personality the Libertarian appears to be a somewhat cocky business man with an underlying attitude of playing it safe. When arguing with AnCap over joining the extremists he is very protective of his profits and fears a profit loss if governments should be abolished with him supporting AnCap since one of his main buyers are foreign governments. Sharing the mask of compassion with AnCap, he -similar to his more extreme partner - does not hesitate to be backstabby and deceitful. On the other side he tries to stay true to his values, even when seduced by AnCap.

Additionally he seems to be extremely cautious, shown by the fact that he does not trust private police. Libertarian also seems to be afraid of the homeless.

Weapons and Abilities[]

Not much is known about the weapons and abilities of the Libertarian, but since he's selling weapons and is a share-holder of Ancapistan it is implied that he has full access to a variety of guns, nukes and other weapons.

Even though he isn't overly convinced by the NAP, he dislikes paying other people to do the work for him since they might betray him, show in the third episode of the Centricide when talking about private police. All of this hints at the fact that he's more aggressive than the Anarcho-capitalist, who abides to the rules of the NAP.



Even though both weren't on the same side of the fence initially, the Libertarian and Anarcho-capitalist became the equivalent of best friends after episode 4 of the Centricide, when they freed themselves from the grasp of the Anti-Radical and ran off to found Ancapistan. That still doesn't mean that they agree on everything, as the Libertarian still believes in the necessity of a small government, but they both tend to look past that. At the end of the "Leftists For Trump" video, it's mentioned that the two share a bunker where they hoard guns.


Having his first encounter with Commie at the gates of Ancapistan, the Libertarian doesn't fancy the Communist in the slightest. After the Statists pay the toll and leave, the Libertarian is the first to voice his plans to exploit the Statists even more, calling them "suckers".


Similar to the communist, both had the first canon encounter with one another at the gates of Ancapistan. Being on slightly better terms compared to Commie, Libertarian is still not overly fond of Nazi. After the Statists pay the toll and leave, the Libertarian is the first to voice his plans to exploit the Statists even more, calling them "suckers".


Being the only next step before the Anarcho-capitalist, the Libertarian and the Minarchist are supposedly good friends. (While also Minarchist having a major crush on the Libertarian)


In comparison Hoppean and Libertarian don't get along as well as the others. Agreeing on the aspect of free market, both split in the department of "removing the degeneracy", which is associated with hoppean theory.

The Centrists[]

Being fooled after seeking refuge with the League of Anti-Anti-Centrists, he starts to agree with their plans on converting him into Neoliberalism. Intervention of the AnCap reverted this process, resulting in hatred/disdain for the Centrists.

Even before Centricide 4, Libertarian wasn't overly fond of the Centrists, being ready to stomp them as soon as there would be less risks involved (as he told AnCap in their talk).


"Same as that dude but definitely keep some government to keep things in check." - Conservatives, Socialists, Progressives and Libertarians Centricide 3 (Video) "The Monopoly Man" - Accelerationism Centricide 8.0 (Part 1/3) (Video)


  • "I'm a short guy, they are gonna stab me."
  • "You're alright Ancap. Come on, let's go exploit the planet for profit!"
  • "There is an ongoing debate in Ancapistan as to if there is room for limited government."
  • "Plebs are underpaid, solidarity through trade, you can get laid with your maid or anyone who's underaged."
  • "Those suckers are going to have to pay us on the way back as well."


  • He describes himself as "very short" but that isn't shown in Centricide, where he's shown to be about the same height as Ancap. The canon height difference is later shown in videos like LeftistsForTrump (Video) and That's Really Gay Pink Capitalism Month 2 (Video).
  • He's Jreggender