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"Degenerates get forcibly removed into the ocean."

- Hoppean (Centricide 4.5)


The Hoppean first appears in Centricide 4.5 as a resident of Ancapistan. He subsequently reappears in Centricide 8, engrossed in apparently exasperating business negotiations. The materialisation of Accelerationism and the arrival of Commie force him and the rest of the Librights to mobilise.


While the Hoppean is an anarcho-capitalist and a voluntarist, he is strongly to the cultural right. Hoppean advocates for a heavy emphasis on the right of property owners to physically remove people from their property who they do not want to be there, such as degenerates. Removing degenerates, Hoppean believes, is ultimately profitable, as a lack of deviant social behaviour like prostitution and drug use would increase the value of the property. Hoppean also believes that property owners would have an incentive to shame, ridicule, and physically remove believers of ideologies that advocate for coercion like democrats, communists, and syndicalists, as this would prevent the rise of such ideologies and protect the libertarian social order.

Physical Description[]

The Hoppean is always somewhat hunched over with his eyes looking upwards. He has bags under his eyes and a yellow button up shirt. He also appears to have a blue-ish complexion.


"Doesn't have any black friends" - Accelerationism Centricide 8.0 (Part 1/3) (Video)


  • "Degenerates get forcibly removed into the ocean."
  • "We don't have any poors, and by poors I mean blacks."
  • "You break the door I break your legs."
  • "Can someone forcibly remove this commie? Or at least charge him $10,000 for a hamburger?"