Darwinist is a rightist political ideology.
Economic Axis[]
Darwinist is hyper-right, believing that everything belongs to those strong enough to take it, and that the weak should be oppressed and killed.
Governmental Axis[]
Darwinist is true neutral on the Government axis, meaning he is compatible with both authoritarianism and anarchism.
Cultural Axis[]
Being a Social Darwinist, he believes that some people are born with natural advantages over others, and that society should be controlled by those who have proven themselves to be stronger than others. He believes in accelerated natural selection and wants a society based purely on strength.
Physical Description[]
The second-shortest of the Off-Compasses, Darwinist has dark brown hair, red eyes, sharp teeth, and multiple scars on his face. He wears a red short-sleeved shirt, tactical suspenders, and brown pants with black boots. On his right wrist he wears a watch, and he is often seen covered in blood and carrying a knife.
Darwinism is said to be the most insane and amoral Off-Compass, believing in his own genetic superiority and natural selection. He has no sense of empathy to his fellow ideologies and would kill and eat them out of the idea that he is strong and they are weak. He doesn't care about what people say or think about him; he has no issues with swearing or saying slurs and is arguably more politically incorrect than Nazi. He is shown to enjoy picking fights for the sake of fighting and killing for no reason, as shown when he killed a squirrel only to leave it on Egoist's bed.
"Hyper-Rightist (Survival of the fittest, survival of the richest) - Meet The Off-Compasses Realicide 2 (Video)
"I'm Darwinism, AKA Cultural Darwinism, AKA Social Darwinism, AKA... The New Founding Fathers."
"It's not murder if it's the weak. Then it's just... hygiene in action."
"Letting the weak kids die is fuckin' based!"