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"True communism has never been tried!" - Communist (Centricide 1)

Totalitarian Left (aka Commie) is an ideology that favours left-wing economics enforced through a totalitarian regime. He actively advocates for cultural progression when he feels it will bolster his movement, however, he does not particularly care for identity-driven politics. According to him, one's identity is irrelevant, so long as people bond together with others in order to overthrow the capitalist regime. Due to being on the edge of the political compass, Totalitarian Left is a member of the Extremists.

Totalitarian Left's drive for change is strong enough to compromise with Totalitarian Right and Anarchist Right, the two ideologies he tends to argue with most.


Political Compass Rap (Video)[]

Commie makes his first appearance in Political Compass Rap (Video). After Nazi and Ancap make their introductions, Commie shows up in the top left of the political compass making the case for his ideology. He is seen with a framed painting and caresses the aforementioned painting.

what happens after a leftist revolution (Video)[]

Commie again appears with Ancom in a field of flowers. After a successful leftist revolution, Commie reluctantly kills Ancom with his gun. The description of the video states that it "isn't canon but also kind of is".


In "EVERY EXTREME IS ON THE SAME TEAM" Commie makes multiple appearances. In one of the screens, he is holding some food with his thumb, but then is holding a picture of a gulag with his thumb up. He appears again, holding up a picture of Che Guevara with a thumb up, but then is later seen holding money with his thumb down.

(The Climate Strike Needs To Be More Inclusive (to ecofascists))[]

At the end of this video Communist appears to deny claims that he is using climate change to promote Communism.

Pink Capitalism Month[]

Communist appears in Pink Capitalist Month to tell the viewers that there is nothing revolutionary about identity. Then he criticizes Pink Capitalist for exploiting pride month for personal gain.


At the end of #LeftistsForTrump, he complains about how moderate leftists think they can reform society through Democratic measures.


Commie is seen discouraging Ancom from joining the protest and encouraging quem to read Communist political theory instead. However, he caves in to Ancom's persistence and discovers he actually quite likes rioting and asks if they could go burn down another McDonald's.


The League of Anti-Anti Centrists[]

Commie appears during Radical Centrist’s debriefing to the other centrists on the extremists. He is described as being able to end all inequality with one glance.

Meet the Extremists[]

Commie introduces himself as a "real Communist". He states that he is against Centrists because he is sick of boomers calling leftists liberals and that he is willing to work with the other extremists due to his belief that unity creates change. He later argues with Nazi, who used all of the sugar and refused to distribute it equally.

Conservatives, Socialists, Progressives and Libertarians[]

The Commie murders the Socialist as he is not extreme enough, then kills Progressive because "liberals get the bullet too." Following that he rescues Anarcho-Communist from Ape-Political and Political Nihilist, although it is too late. Ancom becomes Post-Left, which causes Commie great distress becuase his sexy baby is gone.


Anarcho-Capitalist asks Commie on whether or not he is evil. Commie tells Ancap that he is the greatest villian of all. This causes Ancap to flee to Ancapistan.

Horseshoe Theory[]

Commie and Nazi fight and kill the Horseshoe Centrist. When the Horseshoe Centrist begins to win the fight, Commie and Nazi summon Nazbol.


The Commie, alongside Nazi, insults the Nazbol for asking to join the extremists saying he is still too wacky. He tries to comfort the dying Nazi until he is told to find the Centrist who escaped.


The Commie is seen sobbing and reminiscing about the good old days while holding a framed photo of the Extremists and chugging vodka. However, his crying session is interrupted by a loud sound, and as he looks out, he sees a giant Jreg/Radical-centrists fusion and exclaims 'Accelerationism!'. Seeing this, he reluctantly recruits the help of Ancap and the other lib-rights in Ancapistan to take down this new threat.


The Commie summons the Wackies for reinforcement against Accelerationism. Just as he was about to get stepped on, he is saved by Ancom/Ansyn and is evidently joyous about this, however Commie refuses to refer to Ansyn by que's new identity (probably because he doesn't believe in the importance of identity).


Economic Axis[]

Commie is on the left side of the economic axis, meaning he prefers equal distribution of wealth over market competition. He is opposed to capitalism due to his belief that it makes the working class slaves to the market. Economics are his highest priority.

Governmental Axis[]

Commie is on the authoritarian side of the governmental axis, meaning he wants a strong state to run public affairs. His belief is that unity in a single institution will foster the economic revolution and equality of all people.

Cultural Axis[]

Commie is on the left side of the cultural axis, making him a progressive. Commie believes that identity shouldn't matter with regard to how they should be treated. He views that all people are bonded together by class struggle. Commie advocates for open borders, at least once the economic revolution as been realized.

Physical Description[]

Commie can be easily identified by the red aura on his body and surroundings He is always seen wearing an ushanka with a star on the front. For the first half of the series, he wears a black coat with a red sweater; this is later changed to a long red coat, grey sweater, red pants, and brown boots. He has a booming low voice with a Russian accent. maaaaaaaaaaaassive dick btw guys


Commie is very intellectual, but very aggressive. He speaks very poised and proud when discussing his nuanced understanding of politics. When he feels attacked, provoked, or annoyed, Commie becomes hostile, demanding that something be punished by the gulag.

Commie doesn't treat relationships in absolutes. He will fight with other leftists despite only using them for political gain. He also will work with other totalitarian dictators, regardless of whatever shame he feels.

Commie feels very justified in most of his ideology's worst examples. He has defended gulags, Joseph Stalin, the Holodomor, and the hypocrisy of his people starving while he gets to eat because he runs the state. However, Commie still feels guilty over the millions of deaths that he feels were unintentional. Still, despite these "setbacks", Commie hopes the next time will have a successful outcome. He's also kinda hot lol. probably fucks like a beast idk

Weapons and Abilities[]

Commie's physical weapons are forced-labor camps, i.e. gulags, and a secret police force. Although he is not seen with guns, it is more than likely he has them based on how he thinks his political opponents should "get the bullet". He also killed Ancom with a gun after the leftist revolution, though this was said to "probably not be canon". He is also assumed to have above-average physical strength judging by his posturing, shirtless attire, and chest-beating. It is rumored that he can wipe out any inequality with just a simple glance.

Commie had a spear made of the metal Vluyium, however he retired this and used weapons made of Marxsisium later. These Marxsisium weapons included a sickle, a double axe, a greatsword, and a trident.

His greatest asset is his ability to collectivize entire groups of people. This comes from his strong state ideology. It enables him to gather support to mobilize against his enemies.



The Ancom has the same cultural and economic views as Commie. As such, Commie views quem as his closest ally and wants to unite with Ancom to revolutionize. Likewise, Ancom views Commie as a fellow leftist that can help to silence political opponents.

The differences between the two lie on their government positions. Ancom is against the idea of a state, so que sees Commie as a "dictator with a power fetish looking for an excuse to tyrannize." Due to the Commie's desire for unity and strong government, he views the Ancom's individualist strategies as "unrealistic" and "utopian". This inherent conflict of ideals is the origin of "Leftist Infighting"

The state axis is not the only way in which they disagree; they also do not share the same priorities. Commie views everyone is bound together by class struggle, and therefore sees capitalists like Ancap as "the side most deserving of hate". Conversely, Ancom views identity as the most important thing, and therefore sees that fascists like Nazi are a bigger threat.

The relationship is not entirely altruistic. Commie has a tendency to only side with Ancom in order to make his own positions look better or to silence rightists. Ancom's opposition to all hierarchies and bigotry results in a knee-jerk reaction to call Commie a racist. Despite their occasional bickering, they both recognize that they are allowed to have their differences and can work together when it benefits them both.


Nazi wants a strong state just like Commie. This common ground lends itself to Commie having subconscious sympathies for Nazi's most fascist outbursts. Commie has no problems co-existing with the far-right if it helps to further his regime. They coincidentally have caused countless deaths in the name of their respective ideologies, however, Commie only intentionally kills political opponents, and views famine among his own people as an unfortunate accident in order to keep the state running. Whereas, Nazi intentionally kills people he views ethnically inferior, followed by political opponents.

Commie is very embarrassed to have all these commonalities with Nazi. He despises Nazi's capitalist worldview, such as when Nazi uses up all the sugar the Extremists own, even though Commie wants to share it among everyone. Commie also sees the Nazi as a racist, a view shared by the other Extremists.

Nazi hates Commie mostly because of their cultural disagreements. Nazi wants homogeneity, and thus can't stand Commie's desire for equality. Although Commie is more willing to work with far-right ideologies, Nazi is more reluctant to work with leftists and only does so out of necessity to fight the Centrists.

Nazi and Commie also have a shared love for Call of Duty.


Commie hates capitalism more than anything else. Naturally, this means Ancap is his polar opposite and the Extremist he hates the most. Likewise, Ancap sees Commie as someone that treads on his private property rights and robs his money. The hatred is not equal though. Commie wants Ancap and people like him to be round up and shot, and Ancap believes that the NAP isn't broken if Ancap harms Commie, saying, "And if you're a commie the NAP cannot stop me from throwing you out the choppie and then McNuking your body. 'Cause commies aren't people, and stealing wealth is evil."[1]

Ancap also thinks Commie cares too much about cultural politics, whereas Commie thinks the Ancap is just racist.

The only real area they seem to unite on is trying to distance themselves from Nazi. Commie wants to not have the same death toll as Nazi. Although Ancap has some questionable cultural views, such as n-word passes and "globalists", Ancap views Nazi as way too crazy and way too bigoted. Other than this one issue, there is not much that unites Commie and Ancap other than anti-centrism.


Like the other Extremists, Commie wants to get rid of the centrists. This is because, in his opinion, they don't unite against capitalism and conflate leftists with liberals.


  • "I am the proletariat! You two capitalist pigs [Nazi and Ancap] will get round up and shot, and I will speak for the weak whether they want me to or not!"
  • "I am totalitarian left! My side is the best! I realize the last five times we tried this we all starved to death, but I have a really good feeling about the next."
  • "Whining about tyranny, you’ll never achieve anything with anarchy, I only keep you around cause you shut their speech down.”
  • "Come near me, and it's World War II 2!"
  • "It is the institution that hosts the far-right, so it should be the institution that gets rid of the far-right...and the right...and the liberals...and the moderate left"
  • "Eat rich people. The communists are hungry."
  • "You get gulag! Gulag! Gulag! Gulag! Everybody gets gulag! You get a gulag! You get a gulag! 100% of people on this planet get gulag! Only comrade Stalin does not get gulag!
  • "Unity is how we make change. Unity is how revolutions happen. The centrists refused to unify. Maybe the extremists can unify better."
  • "There will be no need for drugs in communist utopia. Everybody will be happy productive member of society."
  • "Yes, Ancom, just keep looking at the flowers."
  • "The only slurs I care about are ones we'll use against capitalist pigs."
  • "Rations are low again today, comrade. I'm afraid we will not be able to eat food. *eats biscuit* I mean, I will though. I've got a state to run!"
  • "Some days, the Anarkiddy tells me that class-struggle is an outdated concept. On those days, I want to class-STRANGLE them to death!"
  • "You will call him quee/quem, or you will get the gulag!"
  • "What are we going to do without the gays?! Who's going to represent the gays?"
  • "If you helped me kill Jeff Bezos then we'd get along."
  • "Liberals get the bullet too."
  • "It will bring me pleasure to snap that horseshoe in two."
  • "Rot in hell, kulaks."
  • "Anarkiddy, are you inadvertently propping up the capitalist class with sponsorships again?"
  • "Do a real leftist's work: reading theory and complaining about electoralism."
  • "You're not going anywhere until you read Lenin's 'State and Revolution'!"
  • ”That was pretty fun actually, can we burn down another McDonalds?”
  • "I am sorry, Ancom, you will always be my comrade."


[1] Ancapistan