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Communalist is a leftist political ideology.



Economic Axis[]

Communalist is hyper-left on the Economic axis, believing that nobody owns anything personally and that everything belongs to everyone. This goes for property, belongings, food, and virtually anything.

Governmental Axis[]

Communalist is true neutral on the Government axis, meaning they are compatible with both authoritarianism or anarchism.

Cultural Axis[]

Communalist believes in a perfect communal state in which everyone cares for each other and no such thing as private property exists. They believe in the concept of sharing everything and believe that people should care for each other and provide help and assistance when needed.

Physical Description[]

Communalist is the second-tallest Off-Compass. They have light brown hair, light red eyes, and freckles. Their outfit consists of a long-sleeved red collared shirt, white gloves, brown pants with a utility belt, and dark brown boots. They wear a red construction hat and can be seen with a hammer in their reference sheet.


Communalist is the kindest of the Off-Compasses, preferring to talk things out rather than resort to violence. They are strongly opposed to fighting and arguing, and only wish for everyone to get along as a perfect community. Unfortunately, they do not seem to realize that a lack of force is not compatible with their ideology. They also refuse to believe that anybody would take advantage of others, and seem to put way too much faith into others.


"Hyper-Leftist (Personal property is a heteronormative concept)" - Meet The Off-Compasses Realicide 2 (Video)
