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"And maybe if we just... ask the government to go away, maybe... maybe it will."

- Anarcho-Pacifist (End Discrimination)

The ​​​​Anarcho-Pacifist is a character who appears in End Discrimination, who believes people shouldn't be violent towards the state in retaliation to state violence.

She is the best (and cutest) character in Centricide.


End Discrimination[]

Anarcho-Pacifist appears in End Discrimination to talk about why she thinks it's bad to use violence against the state.


Anarchist Infighting[]

In Anarchist Infighting she appears. She criticizes Anarcho-Fascism. And talks Ancom into returning to becoming an Ancom.


In Posthumanism, she appears in Anarcho-Monarchy's "Cavalry";alongside Mutualism, Queer-Anarchism and Insurrectionary Anarchist, in which she has no idea why she is even there in the first place. She almost gets shot by Posthumanism (formerly,Transhumanism), like the rest of the "Cavalry", but successfully dodges it with the other members of the "Cavalry".


Statist Axis[]

Anarcho-Pacifists are Anarchists. Making them extreme Libertarians.

Economic Axis[]

Anarcho-Pacifists have no position on the Economic Axis.

Cultural Axis[]

Anarcho-Pacifists are culturally far-left. They are very progressive and also believe in the idea that violence is wrong and should not be used when combating the state.

Physical Description[]

Anarcho-Pacifist wears a peace symbol and a grey shirt. She also has a light grey fluffy blanket draped around her shoulders.


"Kills them with kindness" - Anarchist Infighting Centricide 6.5 (Video)

"Useless in this fight" - Posthumanism Centricide 8 (Part 2/3) (Video)


  • "Maybe... maybe if we use violence then the real tyrants... are us."
  • "They took my fucking eyes."
  • (where'd her eyes go?)