- For the Post-Left found in Leftist Infighting, see Post-Left
- - Ancom (Centricide 2)
The Anarcho-Syndicalist (aka Ancom, Ansyn, Anarkiddy, or "Anarkittie") is a culturally and economically far-left libertarian political ideology manifested in human form. Que uses que/quem pronouns. Qi advocates for the abolition of all unjust hierarchies. The end result is a communist, progressive society without a centralized state. Qi is a former member of the extremists, a group of four extreme political ideologies that share the same household in order to advance anti-centrism. Ancom left the team in Conservatives, Socialists, Progressives and Libertarians Centricide 3 (Video) when qi discarded qis Anarcho-Communism for Post-Leftism although in future videos qi did change ideologies again, as was hinted at in Centricide 6.5. AnCom became Anarcho-Syndicalist in Centricide 8 (Part 2).
just culture warrin'[]
An early version/prototype of the Ancom character can be found in just culture warrin'. This character wears the Ancom's signature hoodie and carries a baseball bat. However, qi does not wear a bandana and does not have Ancom's iconic voice. They also demonstrate some of Ancom's beliefs, such as attacking people who disagree with them with a baseball bat, and a belief that apoliticism makes one part of the problem/the enemy. However, it is unclear whether they are actually an anarcho-communist or even an Anti-Fascist.
Political Compass Rap[]
Ancom makes qis first official appearance in Political Compass Rap (Video). After all the other extremists make their introductions, Ancom shows up enthusiastic to be a part of the song, but quickly sours when discovering who the other people rapping are.
A Neo-Nazi With They/Them Pronouns[]
Ancom is one of the first extremists to make a second appearance in "A Neo-Nazi With They/Them Pronouns". Qi walks in on Nazi spouting off propaganda to a centrist who is curious about the far-right ideology pamphlet. Ancom tries to warn the centrist that qi's being tricked by a Nazi, but the conversation quickly derails when Nazi tries to correct qim on their preferred pronouns. Qi is obviously confused on how a cultural traditionalist would use non-binary pronouns, but Nazi explains that they are not a non-binary gender, rather several different people trapped in one body. Ancom interprets this as being mentally unstable and finds the situation amusing, until Nazi goes back to rallying.
Ancom returns with all the other extremists in "EVERY EXTREME IS ON THE SAME TEAM". While none of them are the ones rapping the song, qi joins the other extremists in making poses.
Leftist Infighting[]
In "Leftist Infighting", Ancom goes on Post-Left's show to debate Communist on the issue of political censorship. Ancom argues that even though qi wants to silence bigots on the far-right, qi doesn't want to give that responsibility to centralized institutions like mass media corporations and the state, believing that power would be used to silence leftists as well. After a heated exchange, Post-Left tries to calm the tension down by telling both extremes to put aside their differences, work together, and fight the real enemies. Both Ancom and Commie call qim out on this blind dismissal of political theory, and they get sent into rage when finding an old tweet from Post-Left calling communism gay.
Ancom gets qis very own video in "anarchy_irl". This video documents what qi does on a day to day basis. These activities include ranting about injustices, questioning qis own beliefs, taking joy in assaulting political enemies, consuming antidepressants and drugs, considering what pronouns to use, and suffering from depressive moods.
What Happens after a Leftist revolution[]
A leftist revolution occurs in the world. Ancom talks about how qi will continue to complain about the state. Then ancom looks at the flowers, while qi is doing that Communist kills qim. This event is not canonical.
Jreg Says Trans Rights[]
After Jreg says Trans Rights Ancom appears and says that Jreg was doing great work.
Anarchist Uprising[]
In Anarchist Uprising Ancom incites an Anarchist revolution across the globe.
In Riots Ancom participates in a riot in a city along with Communist.
The League of Anti-Anti Centrists[]
Ancom appears very briefly in "The League of Anti-Anti Centrists" when Radical Centrist is debriefing the other centrists on the extremists.
Meet the Extremists[]
The extremists, including Ancom, make a return together in "Meet The Extremists".
Conservatives, Socialists, Progressives, and Libertarians[]
After confronting the Progressive, the Political Nihilist and Ape political attack qim. During the fight, qi kills Political Nihilist, and Ape political is killed by Communist. Although it is too late, as qi is turned into Post-Left.
Anarchist Infighting[]
After Ancom assaults Anfash, qi is brought to an Anarchist Commune. There, qi develops a relationship with Queer Anarchist.
Ideology (until Centricide 3)[]
Economic Axis[]
Ancom's economic views are that of a gift economy and worker owned means of production. Qi believes that free-market capitalism causes colonialism and racial inequality, and that a state socialist planned economy is fundamentally against worker emancipation. Ancom believes in the abolition of currency. Qi does not recognize private property rights as legitimate, but distinguishes it from personal property, which qi defines as property owned and used by one person.
Governmental Axis[]
Ancom believes that the state, defined as a professional class with a monopoly on legitimate violence, is immoral and must be abolished. Qi often accuses the state of being racist, colonialist, and fascist. However, qi does believe that worker councils and direct democracy are acceptable forms of government, as they are not hierarchical. Ancom is especially against police, seeing them as enablers of racism, serving state violence and ruling class interests. Qi believes in the legalization of all drugs.
Cultural Axis[]
Ancom is an intersectionalist, meaning that qi believes that all forms of oppression: class, race, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation and religion, are connected, and that to be logically consistent, one must fight against all forms of oppression. Ancom also subscribes to anti-fascism, and believes that there must be violent resistance against all forms of reactionary politics. Although not explicitly stated, it is likely that qi also believes in gender abolitionism. Ancom believes that politically charged violence is justifiable against reactionary and oppressive politics.
Ideology (Post-Centricide 3)[]
Economic Axis[]
Post-Left's state on the Economic Axis is unknown, however qi is very critical of Leftism so qi is probably either economically left center or economically center.
Governmental Axis[]
Post-Left is an anarchist. Post-Left is influenced by Max Stirner, and thus is a lot more liberal than even other forms of anarchism.
Cultural Axis[]
Post-Left's state on the Cultural Axis is unknown, however egoism is extremely progressive, so qi is still left or center-left, culturally.
Ideology (Post-Centricide 8 Part 2)[]
Economic Axis []
Since Ancom is now an anarcho-syndicalist, qi's economic views are a little different than Ancom, in contrast of qi's old self, anarcho-syndicalists don't believe in a gift economy. Qi would most likely believe that an economy should be based around decentralized worker-controlled associations (worker co-ops).
Governmental Axis[]
Ansyn is still very anti-government, as anarcho-syndicalists believe the state just controls the worker, in a union or not, and judging based on the prefix "anarcho" before qi's name, it's safe to assume qi still is a big anarchist.
Cultural Axis[]
Anarcho-syndicalism, while not limited to it, is usually a very progressive and culturally left-wing ideology. It is unlikely that qi would abandon all qis progressive values, so most likely qi is still very progressive. Also, since Anarcho-syndicalists have a long history of opposition to fascism, like Andreu Nin Pérez, and Buenaventura Durruti, who both fought fascism in the spanish civil war under POUM and the CNT, qi is still an anti-fascist.
Physical Description[]
Ancom (until Centricide 3)[]
Ancom can be identified by the green aura on qis body and surroundings. Qi always wears a lightweight hoodie, and a black bandana to cover the lower half of qis face, similar to those used by black bloc participants. Ancom's voice is easy to distinguish due to its high, shrill nature.
Post-Left can be easily identified since qi is in grayscale. Qi wears a lightweight hoodie, but doesn't put the hoodie over qis head. Post-Left's voice is a lot more relaxed than what it was before.
Anarcho-Syndacalist changes qis outfit to a new hoodie with animal ears on it after being sold the garment by AnCap.
Ancom is not mentally stable. Qi suffers from depression that stems from qi and qis father's relationship and crippling debt. Ancom also frequently has violent outbursts, possibly due to having done LSD at 12 years old. Qi copes with these issues in positive ways by being critical of authority and defending the weak; qi also has negative ways to cope, such as consuming antidepressants, taking drugs, and assaulting more tame targets.
During qis more calm moments, Ancom is actually quite intelligent and can even engage in formal discussion. Despite qis very critical nature of the world, Ancom is able to swallow qis pride in some cases to focus on bigger problems. One example is being able to work with political opponents like Commie and Ancap with little reservation and even working with Nazi to fight the centrists, albeit with a bit more intolerance. Another example of Ancom conceding is that even though qi thinks all cops are bad, qi will call the police if qi sees a conservative as a bigger threat.
Weapons and Abilities[]
Ancom's physical weapons are baseball bats and Molotov cocktails. Qi has experience with several drugs, such as DMT, LSD, mescaline, mushrooms, heroin, xanax, antidepressants, and possibly weed and alcohol.
Qis greatest asset is qis ability to collectivize entire groups of people. This comes from qis positive attitude towards interpersonal cooperation.
Ancom and Commie have been HINTED to have had a romantic relationship in the past, with the song Leftist Unity being what could be considered a mock romantic duet. However, considering that whether this is true has been neither confirmed nor disconfirmed, we can't know until later episodes, if at all. As of the director's cut of Centricide 8, they are shown to have a romantic relationship.
We do know that Commie had taught qim on his beliefs and had thought of continuing to do so, way before the Centricide begun. Ancom had remarked that they could make good friends, and it would not particularly appear so, such as when Ancom criticized Commie's beliefs (such as in the Political Compass Rap and in Leftist Infighting) and Commie used Ancom for himself(in Centricide, Episode 2 and in the Political Compass Rap). They do agree sometimes, but where their differences lie is, obviously, in authoritarian and anarchism. Where Commie would heartily agree in censoring the right, Ancom would say that qi didn't want mass media corporations to tighten their grip on the individuals.
Commie will call Ancom "Anarkiddy", and while it could be considered affectionate, at times it can seem slightly condescending.
Ancap and Ancom work together oftentimes as anarchists to protect themselves from tyrannical governments. Also, they have been seen trading drugs on occasion, as seen for example in "Political Compass Rap" when qi gladly shares qis DMT with Ancap, however Ancap balks at the offer of taking a product for free and rhetorically asks Ancom "How do you expect to stimulate the economy?". One could deduce based on this interaction that apart from qis welfare cheques, Ancom also survives off the money received from Ancap when they trade drugs. They seem to get along at least a bit, as they are shown playing a card game together during Centricide 2.
Nazi is Ancom's staunchest rival. Qi despises Nazi for his antisemitic, homophobic and excessively reactionary policies, as qi believes everyone's identity is important in order to protect them from tyranny, which is at odds with Nazi's vision of eliminating minorities from society in order to achieve cultural and social homogeneity to prevent dissent or degeneracy. They have been seen arguing in civility once or twice, most notably when Nazi was going through distress suffering from a form of mental illness and asked people to address him with they/them pronouns. Ancom hoped to reach out to Nazi's sympathy and make him see that the minorities he targets have to suffer this same kind of distress every day in his authoritarian state, but unfortunately Nazi undertook treatment for his illness, becoming mentally stable and cementing his antisemitic, anti-minority views.
Like the other extremists, Ancom wants to get rid of the centrists. This is because qi sees centrists as "neoliberal scum" that prevent the world from changing.
Queer Anarchist[]
Ancom is very friendly with Queer Anarchist, and are part of the same polycule.
Unnamed Father []
In anarchy_irl Ancom reveals qi never had a good relationship with qis father.
"Quem's parents don't understand" - Anarchist Infighting Centricide 6.5 (Video)
- "I'm anarchist-left and...oh fuck. This is not the place for me. How do all these ideologies suck so much? Anyone want some DMT?"
- "Okay, first things first, fuck you."
- "Why are you like this? Why are you on my team?"
- "Capitalism is colonialism! Colonialism is racism!"
- "I'm not 'engaging in discourse' with these people."
- "You got a lot of guys inside of you for a neo-Nazi."
- "If somebody sees a video and all of a sudden decides to become racist, newsflash: That person was already racist!"
- "You're a dictator with a power fetish looking for an excuse to tyrannize!"
- "The ideas that make me a leftist are the same ideas that prevent me from agreeing with the statist on everything, but that doesn't mean that we're not capable of working together when it benefits us both."
- "Bro! Bro! Did I hear racism?!"
- "You know, I've assaulted over a hundred people, and I feel like my parents still just don't respect what I do."
- "Bigotry?! Bigotry can get the fuck outta heeeeeeere!"
- "Yeah, I did LSD when I was 12 and it fucked up my brain, what of it?"
- "The only racism I wanna see is racism against cops!"
- "Nazis?! More like SMASH KNEES!"
- "Liberals?! More like NOT-TOO-MUCH-LONGER-TO-LIVE-RALS!"
- "Everything's so fucked!"
- "Tankies can get the fuck out of here! I don't want to hear no plans for how we're gonna get rid of capitalism!"
- "Man, if we had open borders, I really think everyone would just get along."
- "Bro, you haven't lived until you've injected mescaline straight to your eyeball!"
- *cough* "Oh, god, I'm so depressed."
- "Hello, officer? There's a conservative outside."
- "Maybe I should just be a right anarchist, but I both don't understand basic economics and don't want to fuck children."
- "White people get the Molotov! Wait, is that racist? Do I get the Molotov?"
- "If everybody just chilled out and just had some LSD, we'd all be a lot closer to each other and the world."
- "We gotta get kids on LSD!!!"
- "It's quiet around here. No hierarchies to dismantle; no banks to throw a Molotov through the window of. Maybe I should just relax for a little bit...Nah, I'm just gonna beat up a white person! Hahahaha!"
- "I mean, have you tried being sober? It's hell, dude! We're all just dust in the wind, man. Dust in the wind."
- "People think that just because I want to tear down some unjust hierarchies, all of a sudden I've got no purpose in life. Well, maybe my purpose in life is tearing down unjust hierarchies. Maybe my purpose in life is defending the weak, or maybe my purpose in life is to just sit in this chair and do heroin all day."
- "Some of my best friends are copter-kin!"
- "Maybe my purpose in life is to just sit in this chair and do heroin all day. Whatever!"
- “I think people should be able to do whatever drugs they want. Also, I wanna do all the drugs! Put 'em all in my mouth!"
- "Maybe the best way to be an anarchist is to just be an anarchist."
- "Oh, Tankie, one last thing. It's qui/quem."
- "I’ve been hanging out with some other anarchists and I’ve decided I’m an anarcho-syndicalist now.”
- ”And Nazi, FUCK YOU, YOU CAN EAT SHIT! S-Sorry, I got-I got sidetracked.”
- ”Tankie did you hear? There’s riots in the streets! Come on, we’ve gotta save the minorities!”
- ”Fuck the state Tankie! Gimme revolution!”
- “By the way, when am I getting those state-mandated pronouns?”
- Ancom is the second extremist to have a solo video, the first being Ancap.
- Ancom has $10,000 of debt and is surviving on welfare checks.
- Ancom is nonbinary.
- According to Jreg in a Reddit AMA, the spellings for Ancom's pronouns are intentionally ambiguous, as the canon spelling is whatever the viewer wants them to be. Jreg has also talked about this during a stream.