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"It's me, Anarcha-Feminism. I'm alive, and I'm coming for you Queer Anarchism."

-Anarcha-Feminism (Centricide 6.5)

Anarcha-Feminist is an Anarchist and a feminist, believed by Queer Anarchist to be a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. For this reason, Queer Anarchist attempted to murder her. It is later revealed this was caused by Radical Feminist pretending to be Anfem in an effort to slander Anfem.


Anarchist Infighting[]

In Anarchist Infighting she is revealed to have been murdered by Queer Anarchist. At the end of the video, she is revealed to have lived, and is apparently coming for Queer Anarchism. (This as it turns out, was Radical Feminism.)


In Centwocide 1, It is revealed that the Anarcha feminist seen in Centricide and in every appearance before was Radical Feminist.


Statist Axis[]

Anarcha-Feminist is an Anarchist, so she wants to rid society of the state.

Economic Axis[]

Anarcha-Feminist believes in Economic Leftism.

Cultural Axis[]

Anarcha-Feminist is Culturally Far-left,

Physical Appearance[]

Anarcha-Feminist is a female whose body is covered by the flag of Anarcha-Feminism. In Jreg 2's Centricide, known as Centwocide, Anarcha-Feminist is shown to have a similar outfit to Ancom/Ansyn, with purple hair and eyes, a purple bandana and purple hoodie as well as a black skirt. Anfem does not use her hoodie as Ancom does, preferring to stay unhooded.


Anarchist Polycule[]

She used to be in a romantic relationship with all the other Anarchists.


Anarcha Feminist likes Maoist's takes on women, as well as his take on gender equality. Maoist however sees Anfem as a Baizuo, or a white leftist who stands against what the workers needs.

Anarcho Syndicalist/ Anarcho Communist[]

Ansyn and Anfem are very close, as they share many ideas on leftist praxis.